
Because I am an Apple fanboy I use Aperture 3 to process and manage all of my work, and sometimes it feels like a lonely path to walk because Lightroom is everywhere you turn. Therefor I thought I'd share some presets in this section, as well as recommend other sites and photographers that utilize Aperture.


Processed Image

Processed ImageLog Lady

Log Lady

This preset was made for this black and white HDR shot made from 5 bracketed shots at EV (-2,-1,0,+1,+2), processed in Photomatix with a lot of highlights which really goes well with this preset.


The preset can also be used with color shots to give a dark vintage feel, as well as making nature shots more vibrant as can be seen on presetpond.com


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Little Orange Dingy

Orange Dingy

This preset is great for giving your image more edge and contrast, tones down the reds and ads an old finish with a little sepia tone and a hint of yellow monochrome color in the highlights.


This shot is actually the overexposed of three shots that I took for an HDR, but ended up making this adjustment on the EV +1 shot. In this image I have brought out the boat even further by brushing in a "Highlights & Shadows" adjustment on top of it, boosting the shadows to about 58%. This adjustment is not in the preset since it would be weird for everyone else, including myself when I use this preset, to get a highlight in the shape of a boat in the middle of the image.


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Monochrome Log Lady

A variant of my preset "Log Lady" in monochrome with a slight sepia tint that gives a warm vintage feel.


This preset works well with street photography and portraits, and I recommend using RAW images because it, like the "Log Lady" preset, darkens the image a bit which can be corrected with the exposure slider.


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Skate on a School DaySkate on a School Day


Vintage Aston Martin


Gives the image a golden, vintage feel while preserving the blacks.


This preset works great with street shots and portraits.


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Escalators and flip flopsEscalators and flip flops

Thomas Leuthard Mono

This is a preset dedicated to Thomas Leuthard, a german street photographer that mainly do black and white. 

In his book, and in one of his Youtube videos, he shares his black and white processing method in Aperture which I have duplicated in this preset.

It is a straight 33%, 33%, 33% split in the RGB to Black & White adjustment. A great all round black and white preset.


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Serial killers always leave thru the backSerial killers always leave thru the back

Low Contrast B&W

This preset is a really dark black and white treatment, where the details in the dark areas are removed to make them appear more DARK.


In this preset the contrast is rolled back bit and to compensate for the brighter image, the black point is pushed all the way up. This gives the black areas a matte look, which can be removed by rolling back the black point to achieve the look you want.


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